Monday, January 26, 2009

I Love William Kristol

William Kristol's final column on the NYT op-ed page is a sad day. After the demise of the great republican liars of note, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Rice, Hadley, Feith, and the top, self-professed, liar, GWB, Kristol could always be counted on to fill the void.
I mean all the really good liars are gone. Rove still lies loudly and unashamedly, but that's his job, and his character. We know that by now. He's been a sneaky little pig since his college republican days.
Richard Perle is malevolent. You can tell he's lying just by looking at his face. No need to hear the words.
Cheney is a caricature, a melding of Daddy Warbucks and Mr. Potter, the evil banker. No fun there.
Rush Limbaugh was forced to control his outright lies by Al Franken and other fact-checkers. Now he just bloviates in general terms about the democrat party and libs etc etc. You can tune in Rush once a week or once a month, and never feel like you've missed anything.
Coulter and Malkin, although they only occasionaly approach the truth, are so disconnected from reality, that their lies don't matter so much as the delivery. We want them to go away where they can be cared for, even humanely.
The speechwriters, Frum and Noonan, don't qulify as first-rate liars. Their craft is the weasel word. You can see the pride they take in misleading without actually lying.
Which is why I like Kristol. In plain boring prose, week after week, he has just served up lies and wrong and stupid with consistency and equinamity. He was an inspiration to bloggers all over the left. Grab a coffee, click on the NYT link, and boom, you've got 500 words without breaking a sweat. He could always be counted on for a little more ammo, a little less self-doubt, and a hell of a lot more commitment to change.
That's why I'll miss him. I suppose we can still turn to Tony Blankely.He's always good for a clanger or two, but Tony seems like a truly decent guy who believes what he says. Even though he writes for Rev. Moon's paper.

1 comment:

  1. I often see Rove in my afternoon Fox-watching (self-inflicted mental flagellation, I know) sessions. The other day he was featured in a box graphic on Hannity's show, and above the video screen where he sat ran a headline over and over again, "Obama's War."

    I never see him without the word "porcine" coming to mind. Never just pops into my head. This usually comes right before I turn the sound off.
